
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2017

Viendo un Fémur mas de cerca

En la clase de Biologia nos dividimos en grupos y fuimos al laboratorio a diceccionar un Femur. Despeus de esto, realizamos una presentacion basandonos en lo aprendido en la diceccion. Trabaje con Valentina C y Trinidad RR.

A view from the bridge

In Drama class, we read the play "A view from the bridge" and we were told to create our own avatar in Tellagami, and to record our voices and explain 3 themes of this play. I choose "Contrasting Regions", "Men and Masculinity" and "Respect and Reputation" A view from the bridge

Games at Twilight in a Storyboard

In Literature class, we read the story Games at Twilight and then we were asked to find relevent quotations that summarised the story and then create a storyboard. Made with Storyboard That