
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2016

Russia in time

This is my timeline.

What about Plate Tectonics?

Olivia Paladino The earth crust is divided in seven mayor plates and many smaller ones. These plates re separated by boundaries, and sometimes these boundaries make movements that produces natural hazards. Plate Tectonics map. These movements could be such as Constructive, Destructive or Conservative. Each movement produces a different hazard. A constructive movement produces faults, because in this movement two plates are separating from each other. But in a destructive movement, when an oceanic plate and a continental plate are about to crush , but the oceanic crust sinks under the continental crust, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are produced. And in a conservative movement, when two plates  move against each other, earthquakes are produced too. So, as a conclusion we cannot stop these disasters, but we can be prepared to survive if something occurs. And we also need to know, that if we are near a Plate Tectonic boundary a hazard can occur.

Actividad de escritura N6: la reseña

"The Prision": reseña En el año 1950, el escritor neoyorquino Bernard Malamud, nacido el 26 de Abril de 1914, escribió la historia "The Prision" (el prisionero). Un cuento corto, ficcional y naturalista (la idea de un texto naturalista es reproducir una realidad de todos los días, una rutina).  Tommy Castelli, era un hombre cuya vida era una prisión para él. Gracias a robar una licorería cuando era un adolescente, ahora esta casado con una mujer a la que no ama: Rosa, y está trabajando en un lugar que no quiere: un kiosco.  Este cuento se puede encontrar en el libro "Stories of Ourselves", Campridge University Press, en su idioma original, ingles. Otro cuento que aparecen en "Stories of Ourselves, es "The Phoenix" (El fénix) de Sylvia Towensend Warner, que es un cuento maravilloso y también ficcional. "The Prision" es una historia recomendable ya que deja una moraleja: no robar, y ayudar al otro, para que no cometa los er...

Eyjafjallajökull eruption

This is my magazine about the Eyjafjallajöull erution. I have done it with Valentina Crespo. A mag created with Madmagz .