
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2017


In ELT (listening and spreaking) class with Alejandra, we´ve done a dialogue in pairs about an Exchange Programme. I worked with Florencia Sguera and here is my work:

Del descubrimiento hacia la Conquista

En la clase de Historia con Gustavo, hicimos grupos de a cuatro y realizamos una presentación sobre principalmente las expediciones posteriores a Colon, el descubrimiento de América como un nuevo continente y las expediciones para encontrar el paso interoceanico. Trabaje con Cecilia, Florencia y Felipe.

¿Que es un encefalo?

En la clase de Biologia, fuimos al laboratorio a trabajar con un enfecalo de vaca. Primero, lo describimos a simple vista. Pudimos apreciar que era rosado y en algunas partes blanco, que tiene un aspecto rugoso y carnoso y un aspecto irregular. Despues, distinguimos sus partes de la cara dorsal. Mas tarde, observamos su cara ventral, donde pudimos observar sus partes. Despues de esto cortamos con un bisturi los hemisferios cerebrales. Pudimos observar la sustancia gris y blanca. Realize las imagenes interactivas con Genial.ly. 

One minute talk

The Global Economy.

In the Language class with Andrea, in groups of four people, we choose a poem from the book "English an Interational Approach, Oxford" and we represented it in a video. In my case I worked with Florencia Ginocchio, Florencia Sguera and Valentina Crespo we choose the poem "The Global Economy" by William Heyen and we worked with Powtoon. In my opinion the poem is very interesting. I loved the ending.


We have done a dialogue about an Exchange Programme in pairs, I've done it with Florencia S.

What an amazing day!

For the language class with Andrea, we´ve done individually a story about animals. In this story must appear the following: - Simple Past - Past Continuous - Past Continuous - Past Continuous - Past Perfect - Direct Speech - An animal - A surprise Max was an 11-year-old boy who loved animals and he wanted to be a veterinarian. He loved visiting the zoo so he was going there. When he and his family arrived to that croudy and wooded place, he was stopped by a men saying: "Congratulations! You are visitor N°1,000! So you have free entrance forever!" Max, glad because of the award, thanked the guy. "What an amazing day this is" he said , entering to the lively and glowing zoo. It was a sunlit, cloudless and warm day, there were burdening and children screaming while looking at the lions. They were going to watch Max's favorite: the giraffe. "What and amazing day this is" Max said staring at this animal . He had been staying there for ...

Hitler in 1889-1923

In history class, we've done a mindmap about Hitler´s life until the Munich Putsch.

Ma présentation personnelle


Practicando con Creative Commons

Flor California, por regexman ,  en Flickr, con licencia  CC BY 2.0

FCE essay and letter

In language FCE language practice with Andrea, we get prepared for FCE writting a letter and a essay. FCE Practice Test 1 Paper 2 Writting Part 1: letter Dear David,   You're welcome, beloved friend! Your staying with us is never a problem, come whenever you want to, I miss you so much!   I enjoyed your stay very much as well! You're really funny and I hope you stay longer next time!         There are a lot of places that I couldn't show you because of time; however, next time I will! My family like you, they say you are a good man. Please send me the photos! I have some grate pictures I took of the day we went to the museam, and when we went to the lake. Do you want them?I'm sure you will like them.   I would love to and and stay with you! Next weekend is my mother birthday. Therefore I can't, but lets arrange later. My love to you, Olivia 138 words Part 2: essay "The young cand learn a lot about life from older people"   Rega...

Soil Conservation

In the Environmental Management class with Carolina, we´ve done a spidermap about Soil Conservation in pairs. I worked with Agustina Tettamanti and this is our work.  Tu navegador no puede mostrar marcos. Visita Soil Conservation en MindMeister. Soil Conservation por Agus T

Los grupos de la tabla periodica

En la clase de fisico quimica hicimos una infografia sobre los grupos de la tabla periodica. Aca esta mi trabajo.

Germany in time.

In History class, we have done a presentation about Germany in the time of the Wiemar Republic. This was individual work.                           To watch the linetime click the photo below.