Tiger in the Menangerie Questionaire

1. WILD: nature, survival, freedom, natural environment, wild animals, out of control, danger.
CIVILIZATION: rules/laws, man, menangerie, taming of animals, money/wealth, control, safety.

2. Summary of the story
This poem is about a tiger that was in a menangerie and no one knew how he entered there. The tigers stripes and the bars of the cage are personified. The tiger was free, so everyone was in danger and afraid.

3. The first stanza begins with the answer to a question, here we get to know that nodoby knew how the tiger got there: "No one could say...". They only knew that it happened very fast, we know this througth the line "too flash, too blue", which is a metaphor. People didnt realized about it becuase it didnt seem real at all.

4. In the second and third stanza starts describing the tiger´s cage. At nigth, the bars of the cage and the tiger begin to blend together since they look so alike that the menangerie, or the people imagine the bars of the cage and the tiger as the same creature. "The bars were the lashes of the stripes"
The world lashes is likea punishment on someone who has done something very wrong, and red stripes will appear on their body. 

6. The structure of the poem.
- seven stanzas
- stanzas with 2 or 3 lines
- from stanza 2 to 5 there is an embakment

7. The themes: "the delusions od mankind as to our true nature"
True nature: wild, not being civilized
The tiger: threat to society, violence, he doesnt fit in society

Amparo Martinez and Olivia Paladino


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